Deal or No Deal Quiz App
Project Description
Smash hit app Deal or No Deal.
The game features 3,000 trivia questions and can be played in single or multiplayer mode. Users can also connect with their friends via Facebook and email to play head-to-head. Host Noel Edmonds said: “I’ve lost count of the number of Deal or No Deal fans who have stopped me in the street to ask how they can get to play the game. With this app they can take the Walk of Wealth wherever and whenever they like and I can’t wait for them to Spank The Banker on it.”
Clients Details
Endemol Digital Media is the specialist unit that works with all the Endemol Shine Group UK production companies to deliver digital projects.
Endemol Games produce and license the most successful TV branded games for online, mobile, land based casinos and lotteries around the world.